Indiana Michigan Power Company, an American Electric Power company, has issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) to obtain approximately 800 MW of Wind resources, 850 MW of Solar resources, 315 MW of Energy Storage resources, 540 MW of Gas Generation resources (with Opportunity to Utilize Existing Rockport Site), and Emerging Technologies, Thermal, and Other Capacity Resources to meet an overall capacity portfolio requirement.
I&M has engaged Charles River Associates (CRA) to serve as an Independent Monitor for the RFP. Overall, CRA will serve in a lead role with respect to the stakeholder engagement processes associated with the RFP, ensuring that stakeholder input is incorporated into the competitive procurement process, screening RFP responses, and monitor AEP/I&M's efforts associated with the development, issuance, and evaluation of the bids (pursuant to all jurisdictional requirements set forth by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission "IURC" and the Michigan Public Service Commission "MPSC", including the competitive procurement guidelines adopted in U-20852).
Questions regarding the RFP described above should be emailed to IMAllSourceRFP@crai.com.
For further details on the RFP, associated stakeholder process, and (RFP materials once issued) visit Charles River Associates' RFP website at https://imallsourcerfp.com/