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Alternative Electric Suppliers

The following has been developed for Alternative Electric Suppliers (AES) that aspire to provide services in our territory.

To supply electricity to I&M customers through the Michigan Choice Program, prospective AES must be licensed by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) and register with PJM, the regional transmission organization to arrange transmission services and delivery electricity to loads in the I&M’s Michigan service area.

Once these pre-application requirements are met, you can begin the application to register to sell electricity to end-use I&M customers in Michigan. Please review the I&M Supplier Handbook for instructions or if you need further assistance please contact michiganchoiceoperations@aep.com.

Michigan Choice 10% Cap Data

The MPSC established procedures that require utilities to make available on their website an electric choice cap tracking system that allows customers to check on the status of the program. The rules that address electric load allowed to be served by an AES in Michigan can e found in Case No. U-15801, Appendix A of the final order, approved April 28, 2017.

See Other Resources for I&M's cap tracking data or contact michiganchoiceoperations@aep.com.

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