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Staying Energy Efficient, Safe Ahead of the Summer Heat

June 11, 2024

The heat is on – and for those who love July-like weather, here it comes. Late spring brought an early look at heat and humidity, prompting homeowners to prepare now to make summer a bit more enjoyable. This work can help save energy for your home, which could translate into savings on your monthly bill.

Cooling costs can add up to more than 50% of an average customer’s bill. By planning ahead and incorporating simple daily practices, you can help ensure cool summer savings.

Get your AC in working order. Maintain your unit by cleaning the outside compressor with a garden hose and trim overgrown vegetation nearby. Also, consider setting up routine maintenance for the unit to ensure it functions properly all season.

Find what fits your home. When purchasing a window unit, it is best to get one that is too small rather than too large. A larger unit will turn off and on more frequently.

Set up a room for maximum comfort. Ensure furnishings are moved away from floor or return air vents to let cool air in. If your room has a ceiling fan, make sure it is moving in a counterclockwise motion to push cool air down.

Energy efficient practices can also be applicable in other areas of the summer months:

Prioritize efficient yard work. Is it time to replace that old mower? Consider an electric model, which is less expensive to operate and significantly reduce toxic emissions.  

Feed your friends and family. If this is the year of the barbeque, consider making that grill electric. These tend to be more economical, convenient and you will never run out of fuel.

Don’t sweat the simple things. Some things can be done with little effort. Remember to turn off lights to rooms no one is in and close doors when the air conditioner is running to help save energy at home.

Additional energy-saving tips and products are available on www.ElectricIdeas.com

Looking for even more ways to save? With Power Rewards, you can earn bill credits when you shift your energy use away from peak times. Peak events occur on especially hot, humid weekdays in the summer months, typically lasting 2-3 hours. The program is available at no cost to join. Homeowners can select the program they feel best reflect their home, and then can decide how much and how long to participate.

As hot weather does become more routine, ensure you and your loved ones are staying safe when outside. Visit indianamichiganpower.com/weather for tips on heat safety and more this summer.


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