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Update: Elkhart Hydroelectric Maintenance Project, April 23, 2024

April 24, 2024

Through the chilly and rainy spring weather, Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is working as quickly and safely as possible on maintenance work at the Elkhart Hydroelectric Plant. The project must be completed in order to raise the water level to its normal spring and summer operating level

Contract crews are working on the project at the generating facility on the St. Joseph River near downtown Elkhart. Contractors are installing an impermeable layer of material, called Aquablok, and will protect it with a layer of stone. This work is being performed in the area between the dam and the boat barrier.

“We are still progressing towards our end goal. Contractors are working six days a week and they are placing the protective layer of stone over the first half of the Aquablok,” said Rich Walag, I&M Hydroelectric Maintenance Supervisor. “We are still on track to be completed by Memorial Day.”

Once the maintenance work is complete, I&M will start the process of raising the water levels back up with the goal of reaching summer operating levels by Memorial Day. It is possible water levels could remain lower for a longer period of time if complications arise.

The largest impact will be to those who would usually put boats and other marine crafts in the water during the spring and summer months. The work has not affected I&M’s ability to generate electricity from the plant, which has been serving the community for more than 100 years.

“The original dam was built in 1868 and the existing dam and powerhouse was built in 1913,” Walag said. “So that’s 111 years of providing electricity and recreation for the community.”

If you have a question or concern, we have a dedicated customer service team ready to assist you. You can contact them at 260-408-3724 or email them at IMCustomerService@aep.com. Updates will also be available on www.IndianaMichiganPower.com/News.

Previous Updates and information:


I&M to Lower Reservoir Level Ahead of the Winter Season at Elkhart Hydroelectric Plant

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I&M Raises River Level to Spring/Summer Levels at Elkhart Hydroelectric Plant

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Update: Elkhart Hydroelectric Maintenance Project, April 5, 2024

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